Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why Don't I Have Any Celebrity Fans?



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

What about those parties with all the great guest lists?

Just follow a bunch of celebrities on Twitter and name drop them ever so often.

Kal said...

Those are made up parties. Don't you notice that all the photographs were taken before the invention of color photography?

I don't do Twitter. It's beneath me. As is messaging with my thumbs.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Boy, that L'il Bub is so generous to reflect some glory on that no-name bum.

Kal said...

You said it.

Kal said...

Yeh but your cubes lend themselves to infinite variations. You can do custom work like that. It would be nice to get someone I actually know leave a comment. Joe Jusko is a fan of the Cave of Cool and that is awesome. Plus my cat isn't as photogenic. I know I have said he is but I was lying.