Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa Can't Be Deported Ya Hillbillies

He's not an American. Santa is a citizen of the world who is free to break whatever airspace or border he needs to in order to get those toys delivered. If he has to kill a few geese that happen to fly into the sled, well, that's the price for all that joy Christmas morning. And why are the Hillbilly wrestlers mad at Santa? He could pass for one of the Duck Dynasty guys if he changed his suit once in awhile.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Canada just issued Santa a passport. Apparently we're claiming him as part of our bid for Arctic sovereignty over the North Pole. Back off, Russkies!

Kal said...

If we tell them that some of the elves may be gay the Russians will back off. They don't want to catch 'the gay'.

profsafety said...


j-swin said...

He's not even human...why does everyone forget the whole "jolly old elf" angle?

Jason said...

Ah yes, Zeb Colter. For those who don't watch wrestling, Zeb is a parody of the Tea Party nutjobs who constantly gripes about illegal immigrants. Originally it was just immigrants in general, but one of the guys he manages is from Switzerland (for reals), so he quietly dropped the latter.

But if you think that sign is bad, wait until Monday night. They're doing a match between a "Bad Santa" and a "Good Santa" and if the former wins, Christmas is "cancelled", and if the latter wins, it isn't.

Did I mention that the "Good Santa" is a 350+lbs. black guy who won a Strongman contest back in 2002 is still considered one of the strongest men on Earth (for reals)?

Wrestling, everybody! LMAO.

Kal said...

It's not Kimbo Slice is it?

Jason said...

Mark Henry. Although, with his new bald look, he probably could be mistaken for Kimbo Slice or Rick Ross.