Friday, April 4, 2014

TV Show Of The Week - ENLISTED

I have never laughed my ass off as much as I did watching Enlisted's ninth episode. Paint Cart 5000 vs The Mondo Spider. I can assure you that you have never seen any series of events so gloriously silly in one 20 minute show. Every character is a stereotype and a buffoonish one but I love it all. I wish I could find and post the episode I just watched because then you would share my joy. Yes, I said it, Calvin actually found joy in something which I think I am going to try to find everyday.

Another glorious thing about this show that really puts it over the top for me is Keith David as the Sgt Major. He plays that character as batshit crazy as they come but David delivers the lines in such a smooth rapid fire patter that it's comedic poetry to listen too. For me he's always has the greatest voice in TV history (He was GOLIATH ) and to see him get such rich material to sink his teeth into is a gift to me. Just listen to that sweet baritone.

Elisted is as formulaic a sit-com as sit-coms get but damn, it's funny. It's become a first night watch for me and a Friday favorite.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Will check it out on the strength of your recommendation!

Kal said...

I hope you like it. I really do.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I could listen to this "Many Voices" video all day long and then some.

Kal said...

me too...even though I know when it's him I was surprised a few times.