Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In Some Alternate Universe....

I am a Steampunk Supervillain and this is my portrait. What a magnificent look. Ming the Merciless WISHES he had the same tailor as this magnificent bastard. My lair would not be the 'Cave of Cool' but the 'Cave of Cold' - a frozen ice palace where all pity goes to die. My costume would also allow me to control the temperature in my immediate area - for use in attack or defence. What? Too UNCOOL for all your squares? This is GOLDEN AGE OF SUPERVILLIANY, bitches. Get used to it.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looks kind of vaguely Tsarist Russian. Make your evil lair in Siberia.

Kal said...

Where else could I put my Winter Palace? Well, except for in the Winter Palace.

profsafety said...

Looks like his hat, next to him. the perfect way to complete that ensemble.

Margaret Benbow said...

Czar Alexander? He was probably dressing down for his hunting lodge.