Friday, May 8, 2015

True Detective Season Two Character Posters


Jordan said...

Man, I can't wait. (I know you didn't like the first season as much as I did.)

I love the "crop the eyes out of the top of the picture" trick. The teaser posters for The Matrix Reloaded did the same thing. So badass.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I liked 98 percent of the first season. I just hated the final solution to the mystery and the killer. I thought that was very duex ex machina. But I loved all the conversation stuff. I could watch those two wallow in their pain for days....and I did.

I have big hopes for this one. I like the new cast idea and a woman who is not just collateral damage.

I am sure we will have much to talk about when this one start.