Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Refuse To Take Trump Seriously

He makes Sarah Palin look like Thomas Jefferson. He has only a slightly better understanding of the Constitution than Ted Nugent. He believes whatever the group paying him to speak wants him to believe. Why is he trying to be President? To hear him speak about his accomplishments you would think he doesn't need to lead just America but the rest of the world. I hope he lives long enough to solve all our problems. I know he's on our side and against those evil corporations. Right? He can't be the goofball he appears to be? Not a man who tamed that hair can be evil.



Nathan said...

Pretty sure he just wants the attention. I think that's why he does everything.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

If he wins, there will be Hell Toupee! Wish I could take credit for that line but I can't.

DrGoat said...

His ego has complete control. Pathetic.