Thursday, June 11, 2015

Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell - Episode 3

I know I am probably the only person who loves this show. Like Matador I feel like I am the only one out there who is watching.

I love how confidant a world they have created. Everything runs like a fine clock. Each beat of the story no more or less important than any other. There is still a mystery going on here but not the traditional kind you would expect. We are not looking for who committed the crime. It's more important that we understand WHY the crime was committed in the first place and what the ramifications of that one decision are. I find a nice logical progression as the story goes along which is the fancy way of saying that I believe it all.

Lord Wellington sees Strange create a road out of nowhere but he still refuses to see a practical use for magic during wartime. He is a tough sell until Strange proves himself to be more than able to perform feats of great wonder. These are moments that the show wisely saves it's special effects budget for. I love these scenes. None of Strange's magic should work but I does....until it doesn't. And then he get's angry and magic from anger is dicey indeed.

Ancient dark magic is even worse and bad magic was the tool of the Raven King - our oft mentioned boogeyman.

Another episode of nice surprises and interesting character development. Mr Norrell is so afraid of being discovered for what he did by releasing the Fairy Gentleman that he is willing to keep Lady Pole in her suffering for 75 years due to the bargain he made to bring her back from the dead. I am starting to hate his guy.

The Lady Pole still is trying to escape from her Fairy captor and has found an ingenious way to describe what is happening to her every night while she sleeps.

Meanwhile Strange's wife rejects the offer made by the Fairy Gentleman which makes him want her all the more. She may have a little magical power herself. Somehow he is able to make contact with regular people without being summoned first. His power continues to grow.

As I have said before, I like this show. It's a slow burn but I feel like I will be rewarded in end. It's quite unlike anything else that is out there and is just the kind of thing that the British do best.


Unknown said...

this one is on my winter list of shows. i tried reading this book when it came out but i could not make it past a few dozen pages, it just seemed oddly unreadable to me. i can see where a film version would do the subject matter much better justice. you may feel all alone cal but you aren't - with the exception of matador.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I will be proven right with Matador one day...And Alfred Molina himself will come and hug me.

DrGoat said...

Looks right up my alley. I think it's on this Saturday.
Have to check it out.