Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Just When I Think There Will Never Be A Candidate For US President Worse Than Mitt Romey....

The Comedy Gods remind me there will always be someone goofier to make fun of. Thank you for your enormous EGO Donald Trump. Thank you for your Xenophobia. Watching you get your ass kicked for saying all the wrong things will be the best thing about the next two years - or six months, however long you last. This tells you the quality of the Republican field if this maniac thinks he can win. As long as that party has these people running for the top job, Hillary will have no trouble with her run to the White House.

I do like that Ivanka, however. She's a bit of alright.

But we all know who I will be voting for in 2016.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha -- Grumpy Cat has my vote too!