Saturday, June 13, 2015

Queen Bee Art

Brother Alan over at Facebook shares my love for the bees but takes it further than I even thought one could. Example - these great Queen Bee images. I have to search for more of these bee girls while I search for more pictures of roller derby girls. Now what are the chances that I find a Roller Derby Bee Girl? Damn that would be cool.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

These are all so terrific! I know the artwork of Lea Bradovich ( but the rest are new to me. And come to think of it, you're the one who posted the first photos of her work that I saw. I am indebted to you!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I do it because I also love the bees. Alan Mizell on the Facebook is on Bee kick all month so these are his. I have to do more googling of the words Queen Bee Art

Nathan said...

I like these more than the one in the Blind Melon video.