Tuesday, June 9, 2015

This Lousy Thug Got His Own Game??

I have a very special relationship with this product. For most of my childhood, Friday was grocery day in our house. That meant getting the food I liked the best. My Captain Crunch or Apple Jacks and especially Hawaiian Punch in a large tin can. When I got it home it went into the fridge to be cold enough to enjoy Saturday morning with my Pop Tarts and cartoons. It was my weekend breakfast for years and years. Then all jacked up on sugar it was an afternoon of bowling. Good times.
I just never ever liked the mascot of the product, however. I thought he was a little thug that deserved to be in jail where his constant fights with staff and other inmates would either lead to his death by shiv or a long time in the hole. He doesn't deserve to be around decent tourists who just want a cold beverage. Even his name, Punchy, meant that he would never be anything but a punk.

I never made the same joke to punch another kid. Not ever. It seemed beneath my skills to use that opportunity to punch someone else. It was abuse of a fine beverage. It's like the kids who play '52 Pick-Up'. Can we get a little original here you little freaks? The sad part is that is exactly what I thought at a 12 year old.

Hey even had merchandising. I thought he couldn't profit from his crimes. I hope every penny went to compensate his victims.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

When I was a little girl, my older brother played 52 pick-up with me. I burst into tears. The big meanie!

DrGoat said...

Don't remember any of those items back then. That phone looks
suspiciously new. Correct, that little ne'er-do-well should be
in solitary confinement. Little psychopath.

Dr. Theda said...

We remember these commercials (and the Game) from my childhood...