Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesdays From The Toybox

Back in the those great early days of EBay you could get complete lines of figures for dirt cheap, I picked up these great figures from the Xena - Warrior Princess TV show. Excellent representations of the characters and there is only ONE male figure but it's Bruce Campbell so that is extra cool. The shipping was also totally reasonable unlike today.


Look at that 18 inch Monster High doll who comes with her own circus play set. I can't wait to add her to the rest of my Monster High toys. I have a really sweet collection that is the envy of every tween girl out there.

I have been avoiding getting this Wasp figure because I have to open the box to play with her.


I had this 'toy'. You could make lights blink and alarms sound but it took you an hour to connect all the wires correctly or it didn't work and you had to go back and recheck your work. Absolutely mind numbing for little payoff. Lowest play value ever. This is why I am not an electrician.


What is with these missile toys, USA?
Welcome to the atomic age.

This toy was the best gun out there. I am anti gun but I loved the FORCE that this toy could launch it's disk. It could also fire a penny hard enough to knock off my cousins card house from across the room. The little discs always got vacuumed up so it was smart to buy them by the hundred packs. You could even get a speed loader that allowed you to fill the dispenser three times as fast. That's important when you are diving behind the couch while stalking the cat.


j-swin said...

when the hell did steve irwin start packing heat?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's a jungle out there...and that doll IS Big Jack - the Australian GI JOE. So it fits. He came with a machete to gut a piece of bamboo.

DrGoat said...

I loved missile models when I was a kid. Needless to say,
they all got blown up (as missiles should) with firecrackers
from Nogales.

j-swin said...

Bullshit, buddy. His machete was for keeping that lippy bitch Barbie in line!

j-swin said...

Ps, Dr. Goat, we missed the whole space race and had to blow up model cars, still fun though.

DrGoat said...

Model cars were good too j.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

We hooked a Star Wars speeder up to a fishing line and put a C rocket engine in the back and lit it. It went further than the line we had and it must have been half a kilometer worth of fishing wire. Smashed into the telephone pole and was destroyed.