Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Just Saw A Mouse In The Kitchen

And that lazy good for nothing cat would rather sleep in a sunbeam than take care of this invader. I hate mice in the house. I hate sleeping then hearing their tiny footsteps on the kitchen floor. I am already stressed enough by all the cleaning we have do just because an annoying relative is coming to ruin two weeks of my summer. AND NOW A MOUSE???

This was his reaction. I told him the issue calmly. He got up off the bed, went outside to sit in the sun. Like I was boring him or something. Like his majesty had something better to do that morning. Maybe I should have called ahead and made an appointment but I DIDN'T KNOW I EVEN HAD A MOUSE UNTIL I JUST REALIZED I HAVE A MOUSE!!!
Do you see my point here?
He doesn't.

Then, of course, he had to go hide in his doghouse until the mouse was removed by someone else who wasn't specifically given the responsibility for all mouse removal. I feel like I was scammed this whole time by some kind of cat con artist.
All the medals and trophies and certificates for championship mousing were all faked. Faked for my benefit and his amusement. He knew this day was coming but instead of just facing the mouse, maybe negotiate for the mouse to leave, he does nothing but run away.

The mouse is still here. Maybe the Admiral can redeem himself with a brilliant plan befitting his long time on the front lines. I hope he does because I won't live with a mouse in the house. I can't. I don't.


j-swin said...

"listen buddy, i'll catch that mouse when i'm damn good and ready. you can't just go running into these delicate situations half cocked, you need a strategy and i'm working on a doozie. until then you just keep making with the treats and rest assured that i'm on it"

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

yeh yeh yeh...I am sure that thousands of years of cat evolution is stopped by ME and my human demands. I am the one who doesn't understand?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You expect The Admiral to lower himself to catch vermin personally? Pshaw! He has retained Lawyer Cat to serve them with an eviction notice. That's how civilized cats of his station handle such matters.