Thursday, August 13, 2015

Batman Vs Superman - New Dawn Of Jusice Trailer

HATE the kid playing Luthor. What character is he trying to be? Bruce acts more like Luthor would in this trailer. Bruce has all the hate for this alien when that has always been Luthor's bag. Gah. I am already rewriting this trailer in my head. Not a good sign.


Jordan said...

Cal, have you seen The Social Network? (If you haven't, run, don't walk.)

I'm just saying that that's the impetus for the Luthor casting. (More than, say, Zombieland, although he was great in that too.)

Jordan said...

Hey, this isn't "new"! Its like from June!

Dr. Theda said...

sadly this version of "Lex Luthor" has some part in the upcoming "Suicide Squad" film...

Timothy S. Brannan said...

I am still withholding my judgment.
Don't want to get too excited in case it is shit. which is too bad because in general I am DC fan over Marvel.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

If DC made their live action movies like their animated features they would kick Marvel's ass.