Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Oh I Am Gonna Watch THE HELL Out Of This Picture


csmith2884 said...

So glad he got over his hissy-fit about the script being leaked and made this film.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Never heard about that but I will avoid at all costs. The best parts of his movies is going in COLD.

csmith2884 said...

Yep, it leaked and he shelved the project for about a year. As author and director, I get being pissed but there are only so many ideas that have not been done over and over. I also don't want to know anything before I see it. I'll also say I'm glad he chose to do another western.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He isn't done with Westerns and I couldn't be happier. Googins is so good. I am glad he is in this. I miss Justified.