Tuesday, September 8, 2015

From The Toybox Of Dreams

Classic GI JOE project always had the best box art.

The Shogun Warriors are always Holy Grail figures but hard to find complete and complete and working is how you want them. They display so damn well, too.

I don't have the box anymore but I FOUND all my stencil pieces which means I must have the holder in one of my boxes that I am clearing out right now.

I keep seeing people finding this Pegasus at flea markets and it makes me crazy.

It's always the accessories that makes Classic GI JOE so cool.

HARMLESS PELLETS?? A Gatlin Gun that fires actual pellets would have taken out a few eyes I would hope or that is not good fun.

Oh Ilya. Still so dreamy even as a cartoon.

This thing is unbelievable. What kids needed to add this to their backyard play. Damn. We would have eaten this up with a spoon. Nothing more fun than burying one of these in the sand playbox I assume.

Easy Bake Oven made chips???
They already made the best light bulb heated baked goods.


j-swin said...

my boy has a ton of those mashers, so fun to play with. nothing like slapping darth vader's head on wolverine's body with hulk fists.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I tell the story about being in the Toy R Us in the summer and met a grandfather in the toy aisle. He was confused. Asked me about the mashers. He asked what two he should get and I explained to him that the more figures he had, the more mixing and matching he can do and that was the fun and the point of these toys. Like action figure Legos. He bought about ten and one the way out to thank me he told me to grab a toy for myself. I asked if he would lose respect for me if I grabbed a Monster High doll out of the bargain bin. He got a big laugh out of that and said he had a granddaughter who has a birthday next month. Told the cashier they should hire me.

Dr. Theda said...

an uplifting (and "heart-warming") tale good Sir Kal...
wish that one of my Grandparents were still alive....
I am lucky to still have my Dad and my Step-Mother....