Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tarusov Ages Our Cartoon Favorites.

And it all looks bad for the rest of us aging cartoon characters.
I found his plan to monetize his talent interesting. I would pay for lessons online and special artwork from an artists I admired if I had the digital drawing tablet I have my eye on. Just some basics to get me started. His prices seem reasonable and I am interested in how his teaching works online. I might just sign up for a few lessons and will let you know how it goes. Well apparently he just shows illustrations in progress. I want someone showing me online. Guess it's off to the free YOU TUBES.
But I will learn how to draw something this year. Something cool.



Dr. Theda said...

Daffy look about the same... just wearing a Suit... and maybe a bit leaned over....
.. enjoyable image...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree -- Daffy aged the best of any of them.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I guess Duck don't crack like Black don't crack.

DrGoat said...

Evidently, crazy keeps you young and Daffy was always crazy.
Donald didn't fair too well, and Mickey looks like Dick Nixon.