Sunday, September 6, 2015

This Has To Be The Saddest Toy Ever Made

The burlap dress is a nice touch. I can't wait for the orphanage play set complete with plague rats. Even if you dress her in a Cinderella gown she will still have that miserably sad face. This is a doll for the same child who enjoys the story of the Little Match Girl - the 'happiest' Christmas story of them all.

Even the box art is especially grim. We GET IT. She is a poor urchin. Can't she live in a world that is not perpetually dark and rainy? GAH! I don't even dare give her a name because once you name her you know she will die in some horrible way.

She should have been bigger than Barbie. What went wrong? Maybe it's the lack of SHOES! And no matter what you dress her up in, she will always have that expression on her sad little face. Frankly I just want to put a pillow over her mouth while she is sleeping and just end her pain humanly.

1 comment:

Dr. Theda said...

"creepy and Disturbing" in a "cute" sort of way.... cool