Monday, September 7, 2015

You Humans Always Toss Me A Curveball So I Return Some Honesty and Truth

With all of the rotten things that happen in daily life, I always had some joy that came from the ONE metric I look at. I hoped it would always exceed 2000 daily visits because that was normal. Maybe one day I would get to 3000 if I posted some strong material and lately I think my stuff has been very fresh and strong. I thought I was doing a good job appealing to my demographic. Nothing high brow enough for the CCD but I am getting close. I know I repeat many features but 1600? You bashed me over the head with that one today my people. I love you as individuals but as the idiot mass audience you know NOTHING. And I say that with peace and love.

Now to further humiliate myself I will show you a picture of my with my friend Coral from a long time ago. Maybe 8 years. Never did two people look less like a couple and thank the gods for that. It would have prevented us from being friends. Best friends. The best friend I ever had. We had it rough and I didn't talk to her for years but she recently has been talking to me again and I am glad I forgave her for things we both did to hurt the friendship. By forgiving her a long time ago, I got to keep the love and lose the hate. It was the advice my father gave me before he died. My heart is less heavy today because of her kindness and honesty with me. I chose right all those years ago when we first met. I only know magnificent lionesses in my life. It's the truth. All of them, from my real life to my virtual folk all are angels of myth and legend.

But damn it you Hillbillies, get people to check out my blog. Maybe get them to follow. If you tell ONE person about my blog we can really jump up the numbers and reward Cal for all his effort over the years working this Cave of Cool voodoo.

Trust me. I could use the boost to get my PTSD frightened ass back into teaching even if it's just to substitute teach in the snake pit. Sticking it out for a semester would be an accomplishment for me right now.



Dr. Theda said...

We have been battling our own mind for years, good Sir Kal....
... sorry about the lower views... we are checking your great posts two or three times (or more) each day... and often tell others of your wonderful Blog...

j-swin said...

Hey brother, stay strong and keep the course. I told my coworker, princess banana pants, to check you out she said you got some really great stuff. Keep up the good work.

Wings1295 said...

Keep trying and keep wanting it. Remember the old adage: One who fall isn't a failure unless they don't try and get up again. Or something. :)

Unknown said...

Have you tried EMDR machines for your PTSD? It's done some really good things for a buddy of mine who came back form one of our foreign adventures.

Mental illness is a bitch, brother. I'm in the midst of a black, black depression myself.

I don't have you set up with me following you, but I do come by every day.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thnks for that Ryan. I will look into that.