Tuesday, October 13, 2015


This is just so much freakin' balloon juice. I can barely deal with it. I am having meltdowns so why I am not an Indigo Child. Because I was born too early again. But who is a more special snowflake than ME? I don't see SHIT around me. GAH! If someone in authority had told me that I had SUPERPOWERS as a kid and I would have lost my MIND! I would have sat and concentrated really hard until something around me levitated or exploded. This is the worst kind of quackery. I am annoyed at all the things I don't know about.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, this "indigo children" malarkey has been around for about 10 years now, I think. People are vain and gullible, what can we do?

DrGoat said...

Psychics, ghosthunters, and this mumbo jumbo crap. Just more
fodder for the gullible masses. People would rather believe
in superstition and nonsense rather than facts. I think
it's primal thinking that goes way, way back.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh, every little snowflake is special.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

And trust me. There is NO ONE who wishes that all that shit really existed than me. I would welcome it and embrace it and take what I could from it to become more powerful myself. Good thing it IS all balloon juice because then some hillbillies would be in real trouble. I read everything my tiny brain could get it's hands on as a kid involving this stuff. I would hve found the Ocidal Lumin if it really existed and read that. And NONE of it is real. Now even the Yeti...and I like his style.

DrGoat said...

Me too. We need some super advanced alien race to come down
here and straighten us out. There might actually be
an advanced race out there, but I don't think we can count
on them showing up any time soon. I would settle for a magic
lamp with three wishes.