Wednesday, October 21, 2015

When The Perfect Addition To Your Action Figure Collection Arrives, You Know It

I am trying to remain calm because I know the search for this figure will be a long and difficult one. Got to reach out far and wide for this one but HAVE it I will. I grew up with a few heroes but none as cool as Freddy Mercury. Greatest voice of the Rock era and genius behind so much creativity and innovation in popular music. His death was epically sad but somehow appropriate because he showed the same courage and honesty in death as he always displayed in life. Hell, I might just get two so I can open one to display next to my Teddy Roosevelt. A person only has so many heroes.

The likeness is photo realistic. The costume is detailed and iconic. Then there is the articulation which is amazing and allows you to pose Freddy in all his on stage glory. This figure was created with love.



Unknown said...

This thing is going to sell like crazy!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I hope so....if you see one around let a brother know.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good hunting, Cal!