Sunday, December 6, 2015

Spooky Cool

Carved out of a real book dating from the 1600s, the pages have been replaced by eleven drawers, each with a small wooden and silver knob and a paper label identifying a plant, and a glass jar clasped into place.

The auction catalogue identified the book as a ‘poisoner’s cabinet’, and much of the press coverage centered on its potential as an assassin’s arsenal. However, many think that the plants included have, or were reputed to have curative as well as toxic properties so this could likely be a wise women’s or apothecary’s case as much as an assassin’s tool kit.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

But why disguise it as a book if it was for healing purposes? I vote POISONER'S CABINET.

DrGoat said...

Maybe he was a healer/poisoner. The ole 2 in 1.