Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Star Wars Memories During Star Wars Week

It would be very cool to see the next Star Wars movie this weekend with a theatre full of those who love the property. But I am not going alone even though that would all but guarantee me a great seat. But I have no friends to go with and I refuse to see movies like this by myself. It's pathetic. But I do love those movie hot dogs but not enough to deal with the shame and humiliation. I Saw the first Star Wars movie by myself but that was out of spite. It's funny how some things never change.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Tish tosh, Cal. A TRUE introvert LOVES going to the movies by themselves. I know I do. What the fuck do we care what others think?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's just Star Wars. That should be shared with friends. It's not just some run of the mill movie.