Wednesday, December 23, 2015

This Is So Amazing

A person I went to High School with lives near this homemade rink in rural Manitoba. How great would it be to be a kid living in that area. Imagine if you could skate to school every morning. So much faster than walking and anything is better than waiting for that damn bus. Hate the school bus. It's bad enough that I had to be educated with the window lickers on that vehicle on a daily basis - I certainly don't want to die with them when the bus goes off a mountain cliff. And for those of you who doubt me should know that the bus ALWAYS goes off a mountain cliff.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, and there are SO MANY mountain cliffs in Manitoba. Love that homemade skating rink!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Only TWO hills in Manitoba and they built Brandon on top of both of them.