Tuesday, December 12, 2017

So How Does One Swing On The Moon?

I know that 1/6th Earth's gravity must somehow affect the cool and does one still wear the Tuxedo under his space suit? How does the band play their instruments with closed space helmets? I see this special being more trouble than it's worth. And we are sending MEL before we send SAMMY to the Moon? That's all kinds of racist bullshit.



DrGoat said...

Mel Torme, alias the Velvet Fog, goes anywhere a fog can go.
Agree about Sammy, the absolute coolest person who ever lived.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mel Torme was Jewish so that's okay. Hey, wait a minute, so was Sammy Davis Jr.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Jews on the Moon??