Sunday, May 13, 2018

Once Again I Am Disappointed In Life - Nothing New Here

This Infinity War promotion is all kinds of BULLSHIT. How do you run out of FREE SOCKS when I am about to put in my pin codes? 25,000 pairs and you couldn't leave ONE pair to me so that I could feel some joy in my life while I wait for my socks in the mail. I hate everything and will never eat any of these POST cereals again. Besides, Honeycombs task like packing peanuts. This boycot hurts because I do LOVE Shreddies but examples have to be made. Why did you spare me from the Rapture, Thanos? Just so you could punish me in other ways? SIGH!



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, what a rip-off!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

My bum hurts.

DrGoat said...

That is such a shitty deal. Another fracking over by a corporation. What a surprise.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I hoped that Honeycombs would at least cut a brother a break. I ate enough of that stuff as a kid. They OWE me my socks.

DrGoat said...

They owe you much more...and then some.