Monday, September 10, 2018

I Give You A Second Chance To Correct An Obvious Oversight

In the world we live in I have tried my best to bring a little joy into the lives of you, my tribe, my people and the idiot mass audience that judges me daily by either giving me a comment or holding back your love. Sure I bitch about it because every human being, especially a sad, lonely shut-in likes a little validation but, for the most part, I am trying to have persepective on that issue.

And then you remind me of all the reasons I hate you all.

I posted this commercial. Sure it's four mintues out of your lives but it's SO GOOD that by now you should have an opinion on it, having first watched it five times and sharing it with every human being you know on the planet. But I see NOTHING under the original post. And another piece of my faith in humanity slips away.

I know this commerical is worth your time is because I know cool. I know what I like and I like what I know. All my life I have done nothing but think about this stuff and collect this stuff and take notice of this stuff because I am in love with this stuff. ALL this stuff I do, I do to entertain myself. Ya'll are just fortunate I choose to share my gold with the world because somewhere it IS appreciated.

Now to my point. THIS commercial just might be the best commercial ever that does not star a cat. It's so complex and genius that I can see the guys at corporate losing their freaking minds when the team they hired came back with this finished product. If I had a month, I could not properly explain to you why this bit of film is so amazing.

I hope I have sold it to you. I hope you also feel guilt which you will remedy by actually watching for a second. I dare you not to watch it a second time after that. Enjoy the good feelings this commercial will arouse within your dark and sad souls.

You are welcome. Thus ends the lesson.


MDJackson said...

Fuck me, that's brilliant!

And that director... the one calling the shot's... that's you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Okay, you're right -- I'm glad I watched it now! And I can see why every single element of it appeals to you!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's like I got a look into the infinite.

j-swin said...

Wish someone would have had that vision when I was in school instead of us having to preform the tired, cookie cutter drivel we spewed out every holiday.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I remember all those times. As a teacher I always tried to jazz up these forced performaces to make up for the time we were singing about the 'children of world' and I passed out becuase she had me wear a parka done up all the way because I had a fur collar.