Friday, December 7, 2018

Bravo Michigan Catholic Church

Way to protest the fact that children are locked in cages at the US/Mexico border. I love watching the Christians loose their damn minds over this one. It's not okay that THIS plastic nativity baby is in a cage but it's perfectly fine to keep REAL children in cages at the border. I hope this makes people uncomfortable enough to spur them to action.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, excellent political commentary.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Don't give me the separation of church and state bullshit because the Holy Rollers use it when they need to make a point. This is a good one. Stop looking up kids and pulling all kinds of shenanigans on them. The truth will come out because the truth always comes out and it will be ugly and I hope trump is around to see it.