Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Called It

Reason Number One - It's a HORRIFIC story to begin with and circus stories are never good. So glad this failed. I hope this stops all these stupid live action remakes of STORIES WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN! Half way through I guarantee you will want to kill yourself when you already know the ending because the remakes are all slavishly faithful to the originals. POINTLESS.

Read the other reasons HERE.


j-swin said...

I read they have over 20 live action remakes of their classic animated movies slated for production. Goddamn mouse is the embodiment of greed.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Sure, every piece of crap film in their vault EXCEPT Song of the South and the Aristocats for their casual racism.

I will see NONE of them. It's the anti-MCU for me.

DrGoat said...

As soon as Walt's brother Roy died, the greedy minions took over. I still fondly remember Disneyland in the 50s-60s.

Chase March said...

I was hoping that no one would go see it. They need to stop all this nonsense.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Why not remake Song of the South then if these are a great idea? I am sure that the same crowd that loved Black Panther will eat it up. It's such an evil little cash grab of bordom. What is the point?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I watch this garbage while the Rocketeer BEGS for a sequel.