Friday, May 3, 2019

Peter Mayhew (1944 - 2019)

A decent man who loved that he could be a part of these iconic films. I never heard a single bad thing about him ever. He left people feeling important when they met him and he carried the Magic of Star Wars with him for all his days. He embraced his pivotal role in the Star Wars mythology with grace humility and charm. Thanks Chewie and thank you Peter.




Debra She Who Seeks said...

He was good looking under all that fur. I hope Star Wars made him filthy rich. RIP

Dr. Theda said...

So sad .... just before his birthday (May 19th)
He was the "live-action" shots in the Sinbad film as the Minotaur

Dr. Theda said...

Still wish you the best, good Sir Kal