Tuesday, May 7, 2019

So He Recieved The Presidental Medal of Freedom For What?

So he was best a few times in his life at hitting a little white ball around a manicured lawn so he deserves special treatment? Or is it because he is a unrepentant whore monger like trump and that is something trump admires even more than Tiger's golf skills. Trump even cheats when he plays Tiger so he has no respect for the honor of the game. The real irony that if given a choice, Trump would never let a black golfer play on his course if that black golfer wasn't famous.


I guess they do give it to athletes and Tiger is definitely a legend in his chosen sport. Most others have contributed much more to American culture.


1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Tiger Woods is so intent on rebuilding his reputation after his fall from grace that he'll accept any honour even if it comes from racist Trump.