Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Rant From Quarantine

Jeez, I wonder who predicted this would happen? It was easy to predict because that person, who is ME has READ A FUCKING HISTORY BOOK AND A BIOLOGY TEXTBOOK WHEN I TOOK THE FIRST OF MANY BIOLOGY CLASSES. Self-deluded science or racist ignorance are two of my least favorite traits of the Hillbilly dumbass. I wish I could just leave them where they are to die but unless they all die at a trump rally in a huge stadium that we can later sanitize what a series of fire bombs won't happen every day. Some we sneak off and infect the ones who are doing the right thing. But you would rather go back to the business model that inspired the most useless political model in history. Enrich just a few and they will be so satisfied with that obscene amount of wealth that they take their remaining money and trickle it down on their underpaid workers with no health insurance or security for their futures and that of their families. I didn't see ONE rich guy do one thing to help their workers. I mean the insanely rich ones. Not one. They and guys like trump actually MADE money from this crisis. Corporations took all the money that would have helped small business and then fired large parts of their work forces in a kind of selection process. Another insanely even result of living in a work controlled by these robber barons. I don't want to go back to 'workers own the means of production' because that has it's own problems but FUCK, the arrangements between employer and employee needs to change along with alot of other selfish institutions.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So long as people are stupid enough to drink the Kool-aid they're selling, nothing will change.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Why do you think my oranges remain frozen and in bagged form.