Friday, August 7, 2020

The Continuing Adventures Of The Baroness Simona Bebe Von Katzenhammer

For a half hour I sit with a cat that barely moves from her one spot and eats her weight in grass. I finally get my Mom's new tablet working and the first two pictures I took were of my poor Bebe. I let her outside with her harness and leash. She won't walk with me. I have to boot her butt a little bit to get her to go anywhere. She just sits like a the Sphinx. Sometime she moves down the lawn. But no running or climbing or running. So I had been lulled into thinking that I could just leave her a second to see if I could download the pictures to my desktop. I come back four minutes later and she is siting in that same position only in the middle of the road! I rescued the little idiot from her DEATH. Lucky there were no cars on a road that has many cars. Four schools. Great shortcut. FUCK. She tasks me, this cat does. She tasks me but I will have her (act the way I want her to).


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ha ha, the great white cat Moby-Dick reference -- nice!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thank you for noticing. I actually READ that horrible book right to the bitter last word. And it is such a great line. Ricardo Montalban says it better than any other actor and I include Patrick Stewart as Ahab on that list.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I concur. He made a great "Ahab."