Friday, May 10, 2024

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes

It's become comfortable for me to expect a fresh Planet of the Apes movie every couple of years. This one is like the others. A lone ape struggles to rescue his fellow apes and a speaking human from a Gorilla king and his army. It's really the only story you can tell in those times. It's not like they compete in a monkey Olympics or anything. It's always one group of the strong dominating the weak. But that is the most satisfying feeling when the weak do win out in the end. I am half way through this one and I am not sure how it can possibly turn out good for our 'hero' monkey.


The cinematography is brilliant as always. Motion capture CGI has gotten so real that I cried when the monkey cried. Where is the Oscar for these actors? Tech like that opens up a whole range of fresh characters and this movie is not in need of interesting apes to look at. I found myself totally wrapped up in this story and look forward to what is coming next because they can't just stop making Planet of the Ape movies. This one is worth seeing in the theatre but will be a treat come streaming time. You will enjoy it.

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