Sunday, July 21, 2024


About 20 years ago there was a very popular movie call TWISTER that followed a group of storm chasers trying to find a way to stop tornadoes before they can really rev up and do some damage. This is the exact same film with a young female scientist and a fame seeking tornado chaser. The effects were fantastic and story was compelling. This is nearly the exactly same film with a little romance (no kissing) thrown into the mix. Surprisingly the effects, while great, haven't changed in all that time. They really get the horror of being in the middle of a killer storm and I found that part to be very interesting. There really is no other way to tell this kind of killer storm story. From the trailer you know exactly what you are getting. Don't worry. No one dies no matter how the buildings they are in are destroyed around them. Call it PG reality. This one has been doing well in the theatres which is a surprise. It seems like the perfect Netflix film so its nice to see a theatre movie do well. The perfect little film for those 30 degree days when a nice cool theatre is exactly where you want to be. Worth the time especially if you like storms and the destruction they cause.

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The movie is completely unnecessary and yet it was a ton of fun. Saw it Friday and was happily entertained for two hours.