Monday, September 23, 2024

9 Years Ago From The Archive Of Cool

A- Age? : 50
B- Biggest Fear? : Life
C- Current Time? : 4:50 PM
D- Drink you last had? : Diet Pepsi
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Myself? : I agree with all my opinions.
F- Favorite Song? : The World Is Not Enough - Garbage
G- Ghosts, are they real? : No, unfortunately. None of that supernatural stuff is real.
H- Hometown? : Red Deer
I- In love with? : No one but myself.
J- Jealous Of? : People who seem to have it all figured out.
K- Killed Someone? : Not enough people to be noticed.
L- Last time you cried? : Daily
M- Middle Name? : John
N- Number of Siblings? : One sister.
O- One Wish? :To be recognized for my genius by the idiot mass audience.
P- Person who you last called?: I don't use the phone. Mama says it's the devil.
Q- Question you're always asked? : Where are your pants?"
R- Reason to smile? : Thursday
S- Song last sang? : Across the Universe - Fiona Apple cover
T- Time you woke up? : 8 AM
U- Underwear Color? : variable
V- Vacation Destination? Mars. Always get your ass to Mars.
W- Worst Habit? : Again, too many to list
X- X-Rays you've had? : Skull for embedded buckshot pellets.
Y- Your favorite food? : Pizza
Z- Zodiac Sign? : Gemini

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