Saturday, April 11, 2009

Craptastic Cool

I love talking to Lisa Mynx because she always reminds me of TV shows that I watched at one time and forgot about. At the time when they were making Hercules and Xena the geniuses at the UPN also created these two craptastic shows...JACK OF ALL TRADES and CLEOPATRA 2525. Here is the openings to both shows. Bruce Campbell will do anything for a paycheck. I loved Brisco County Jr with Comet the Wonder Horse and I thought Vern Troyer as Napolean in JACK was inspired casting. I love the theme song to 'Jack' and dare anyone to NOT sing it all day.

"In eighteen-hundred-one the Revolution had been won
And Uncle Sam’s favorite son had a job he needed done
Which brought Jack to a lady, both beautiful and smart
Who found his mix intriguing; a scoundrel with a heart!
From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli
There was never a leatherneck braver, a Daring Dragoon is he
He’ll halt the bold advance of Napoleon’s attack
There ain’t a French or pirate rogue who don’t... know Jack!
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli
Sailin’ ’round the bloody world to defend democracy
And when ya need a fightin’ man ya’d trust to watch yer back
Just ask the bloke right next ta ya - (parrot: "Damn right!") - it’s… Jack"

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