Sunday, July 19, 2009

Apple Press / Adventure Comics

Has anyone ever seen or heard of these comic books? Lisa Mynx and I were talking about them the other night and I don't remember them at all. Well she does and somehow they tie full circle into the origin of Batman. So now I have to know more about them. So send the word to your agents worldwide and get me some answers. Thanks.


Dash MacBastard said...

I remember reading about the character in an issue of Comics Scene right before the release of the '89 Batman movie. I guess "The Bat" was a character that appeared in pulp novels just before the first appearance of the caped crusader in comics. There was much legal hullabaloo at the time concerning copyright infringement. In the end, The Dark Knight persevered (doesn't he always?), and The Bat was lost in obscurity (until resurfacing in these comics that is).

Reis O'Brien said...

I had the second comic shown above. I remember really liking it. It was all pulpy and gritty, like Batman and the Shadow mixed together.

I only remember the one issue ever coming out, though. I guess he just couldn't stand up to the might of Batman!

Still, cool comic. I wish I still had it so I could show you some scans and tell you more. Sorry.

Booksteve said...

Booksteve said...