Friday, July 17, 2009

Big Brother UK - WTF?

WTF? What kind of demented program is Big Brother UK? After six weeks of bullshit they kick one person out of the house and introduce FIVE fresh people to the group dynamic? Right after Marcus zaps everyone just because he can? Someone please tell me you watch this show too so that I know I haven't made it all up in my head. I have done that before you know? You gotta love how the housemates went crazy and rebelled against Big Brother by trying to climb to the roof of their house. As a punishment they had all of their furniture taken away like naughty children. Classic. Of course Brazillian Rodrigo is losing his mind as he always does when anyone breaks the rules. ITS A TV SHOW PEOPLE! SHUT UP! They deserve to be zapped. Wake up, loose your chairs and tables, and then get your ass electrocuted. I don't care who you are...that is GOOD TV.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, all the new people are so crap and annoying, Hira (the Indian lady?) has potential, but I dislike the others.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

She is so incredibly stupid though. It a insult to Half Wit...what are they gonna call her...1/8th Wit?