Inspector Cumulus? Are you freakin kidding me?? How absolutely cool is this guy? He has a CLOUD FOR A HEAD! Look at him! And he smokes a pipe! Why I never thought of it myself is just killing me. Created by Barrington Chendy. Thanks to Super Punch for finding this gem.
Huh... that is very bizarre!
That toy is AMAZING!
I totally agree with you Zacery. I can see him going all dark and throwing lightning when he is upset. That concept just writes itself.
I must say that's a first for me. I may steal the pic and put it on my site if that's okay. I wonder how many people know about this one.
Sure Joe go ahead...I took it from Super Punch who seems to find all these great things. I am not usually a lover of these custom figures but this guy is awesome. I love the look, the name, the whole concept. Like I said I am writing the story in my head.
...or disappearing when it's bright.
Just Googled "Barrington Chendy" and found your blog. Glad you like "Cumulus" (I created him and Barrington Chendy). He'll be available to buy early next year from Crazy Label. Some more info on Barrington - http://idreamofaworldwithoutyou.blogspot.com/2009/05/barrington-chendy.html
Thanks for the post! Jonathan
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