Thursday, July 16, 2009

Emma Watson on Elle

I can't help but admit she looks so good and is growing into a beautiful cover model. She is 19 so stop calling me an old perv you haters. See the rest of her grown up pictures here:


Phronk said...

She's only slightly too young for me, but it still weirds me out to see her all sexualized like that

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'll admit, I've had it bad for her ever since her boobs sprouted. She's just so adorably cute. And that accent, oy don't get me started.

Wandering Coyote said...

Wow, who'd've thunk that she'd make an awesome metal chick?!

Ricky Shambles said...

Yes, a very good looking girl. If she didn't resemble my younger sister so much I might be more excited about it.

So how about that Daniel Radcliffe showing up naked on stage? Hmmm?

Unknown said...

she's always been really pretty and quite a good actress!