"Hey guys, I am here to audition for the Legion of Super Heroes. What is my power? Even though I can match my shirt to my pants and my mask that is nothing next to how awesome a specimen of manhood I am. Look at me. I am beautiful."

"A record producer tried to test me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. ffffffffff".

"Gather round children and listen to Mr T tell you all about the time the white man tried to keep him down and how he got back at them by becoming a caricature of himself."

"Okay brother, we can stop singing and dancing now. I think this is what got us shipped to Hell in the first place."
Thanks to 'Now Thats Nifty'.
"I told you Satan was real! We have finally summoned his infernal majesty! Get Anton LaVey on the phone, quick!"
Oh... That blonde "chick" with the black glasses? YIKES!
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