Monday, September 14, 2009

Best Movie Spoiler T-Shirt EVER!

And really, if you haven't seen these movies already you deserve to have the twist spoiled for you. Nicole look away. This is for we old people, not you youngins.


Tom said...

That is the coolest shirt I have ever seen. Who would have thought that one shirt could ruin 12 movies?

Robert McKinney said...

I hate to admit it, but I'm not sure what all of these movies are. Could someone identify them all?

Lana said...

i love this! although i am still deeply disappointed about rosebud being just a sled. it just felt like a big let down after all that mystery.

Nicole said...

I knew the ones that interested me, I didn't care about the ones that didn't interest me, and unfortunately, I already knew Rosebud was a sled. ROTFL Your concern is not needed, unfortunately. XD

Word Verification: spavenn