I had another nightmare last night after seeing this chandelier. What kind of maniac designer thinks this would even look good in my house? I had visions of it coming to life in the middle of the night and slinking down the walls and, after raiding the fridge of the last piece of cheesecake, comes upstairs to strangle me. At first I was more annoyed at the cheesecake being gone but then got angry at myself for not standing up to the designer and insisting on NO cephalopod images or icons or design elements in my stately manor. After all how can I truly rest of do my work in the Cave of Cool if I am worried about the octopus hanging from my roof holding the light bulbs? Gotta draw the line somewhere. You know stately WAYNE Manor took no shit from no squid and I try to ask myself when I am confused WWTBD? (What Would The Bat Do?).
I would refuse, REFUSE I SAY, to eat a meal under that thing. Gah!
Very Lovecraft-ian. Cthullu's House of Light. And Pain Buahahahahaha!
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