Thursday, September 3, 2009

DDB Brazil Should Burn In Hell

Earlier this week I posted about an advertisement by DDB Brazil that equated the deaths at 9/11 to the deaths during the 2005 Tsunami. Well as if to add insult to injury they have created a commercial to go with that print add. If you are okay with seeing the event dramatized then look. I know I found myself more angry than informed. There really are some events that you just don't make your point with. Well isn't that a bitch. Pulled because of copyright? Pulled because of conscience? I need to find another copy so you all can see and you should see. Unbelieveable. Everyone follow this link to see this commercial.


Ricky Shambles said...

Oh my holy shit WTF? It perplexes me how that got from napkin to concept meeting to storyboard without someone saying "Um, maybe this isn't the best idea," but then they mocked up the CGI and then skinned it and STILL no one said "Um, too much? Too soon?" They've got a whole box of asshats over at that place.

It's like showing a graphic scene of a back alley abortion and then fonting it with "Coat hangers can be dangerous. Be careful." WTF?

Drake said...

Wow, what's next for these people...scenes of Auschwitz for Holidays in Brazil?
These people are beneath contempt.

themom said...

Damn, the video has been pulled. Now I will be wondering all day what I missed!

themom said...

WTF is all I can say. They equate terrorism with a natural disaster and end up with us "saving the planet?" This is sinful and definitely in poor (no very bad) taste.

thanks for the link.

Booksteve said...

Tacky, yes. Extreme, yes. But it does make its point. That point, however, gets overwhelmed in the telling by the method. Thus the ad is pointless.Rather than making anyone actually consider it, all it does is anger people.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I feel the same way Steve. The message is a good one to hear but the method they used to present it was despicable and like the Holocaust is off limits as an advertising theme.