How shallow and witless is the Right in America? How determined are they to destroy the Presidency of a man who was fairly elected (unlike the previous President) and therefor deserves the opportunity to govern? Its seems like everything from planting a vegetable garden to speaking to school children has to be associated with some evil motives from the twisted mind of Obama. I would take twisted evil thoughts any day over the twisted evil ACTIONS of Cheney and Bush. However, to take a speech on the importance to stay in school and do your homework and study hard from a man who EXEMPLIFIES those traits and is the poster boy for the American Dream and associate it with socialist or Nazi indoctrination is beyond crazy. Is it because he went to Harvard? Or was born in Hawaii? It couldn't possibly be that he is BLACK is it that his words have no value to your precious white little snowflakes? And here I thought that America, in electing a black President was entering its post-racial phase. All that has been entered is a time when the REAL racism of the minority who didn't vote for this great man can display itself fully. I watched 'To Kill A Mockingbird' this weekend and was sad for a time when such racist and hateful actions and ideas could be shown openly and proudly. Seems like nothing has changed ya bunch of crackers. Guess its time to shake the dust off your hoods and proclaim yourselves to be what you really are. And while you are doing that you can also pick up a book once in awhile and stop having sex with your sisters and your farm animals. Maybe, just maybe, one of your illiterate offspring saw the speech and picked up a pencil and got to work at being more than his upbringing sentenced him to be. We all can hope.
Hear hear!
Quite a rant there, Cal. And sadly, for those it is aimed at, it is well deserved.
I don't get how they can just jump all over every single thing he does and twist it without even using any logic or common sense to back up their idiocy!
He wants to talk to school kids about doing good in school. How ... why would you want to twist that? What kind of message does that send?
Argh... Sometimes, I just do not get it.
The Pollyanna in me is gonna go cry a little.
I love it when you get all up in da face of the Ignernt. GO CAL!
I am beyond embarrassed at the wingnuts in the US and in my own (extended) family. The Fox News and talk radio propaganda machines have become insanely powerful. Its tough to compete with facts, reason, logic, etc... buzzing in people's heads 24 hours a day.
I'll be honest. I'm more than a little concerned in a non-hyperbolic way about the direction the public is taking towards not just the President, but anyone who would suggest he's a reasonable person. There are a lot of true-believers out there listening to radio personalities compare their president to Hitler, and sooner or later... something very, very bad is going to happen.
Thanks for all your support gang. I know I have nothing to say from across the border but sometimes it just gets me so rilled up. And League, I am totally fearful with you that this is not gonna end well for the President. All of the haters in power don't realize the power they have to influence weaker minds. We've seen it before and this crap has to stop before we see it again.
The real problem, although most people on both sides seem to have missed it, was not with the speech itself but with the suggested lesson plans distributed in advance by the Dept of Education. This was not a one-off thing. The Dept of Education is always distributing suggested lesson plans. They're often akin to movie pressbooks that suggest outrageous ideas for promoting a film and are roundly ignored.
In this case many conservatives felt they had gone too far and were inappropriately suggesting that the kids should support the Presidents liberal agendas. Having read these, I disagree strongly. The suggested ideas were sound and apolitical.
That said, most who were against the speech didn't know that. They kept their kids home from school because conservative newspaper writers and TV pundits TOLD them to do so.
At the end of the day, I think that scares me most of all.
The only fair argument I have heard is from the Left. Someone on NPR today said "think how we'd feel if it was George W. Bush addressing our schools."
Of course, we were not (widely) calling him a Nazi.
I'm very disappointed and have to say that you've now lost a daily reader.
I come here and read this Blog for fun, not to be told I'm a "shallow and witless member of the Right" simply because I don't support or agree with a man that, to me and many others, appears to be the opposite of everything this country stands for.
We have something here we call the first amendment, it gives us the freedom of speech, which means we can voice our opinion about the president and not be tried for sedition. All sides can do so, republican, democrat, libertarian, et al, it's been done since the founding of this country, and, as long as bills like S.909 aren't passed, it will continue.
As to the reaction of parents to his speech, it comes down to this, parents have the right to make judgments about what their children are watching, or reading, if you take that away then they're not parents, they're breeders, pure and simple, and we have enough of those here already. Those parents who were concerned (no mater the reasoning behind it) should be commended, they made a decision about their children's education. We need more of that. To tell them that they did something wrong because you disagree with it is asinine.
Every parent I've had a chance to speak to that was concerned, about the speech, all said the same thing, they wanted to see a transcript. That's all. They wanted to know what was going to be said.
I'm not saying that this was the reasoning of everyone who exempted their children, but to simply say that they all think he's a socialist Nazi is just as closed minded as the people you are speaking out against.
Now that I've given the sedate version of my opinion I'll tell you how I really feel.
The people living in this country of your ilk are what's wrong with it, just because some of you drank the kool-aid doesn't mean we all have to. In regards to Americans of your mindset who want to take away the freedom and rights that our founding fathers fought for, I'll leave you with a challenge, two words, two simple words shouted by king Leonidas at the battle of Thermopylae,
Funny how dissent is only acceptable when it is from your side, eh?
Republicans are calling Obama a Nazi because they dare not say fascist - because we just came out of eight years of fascism - "Tow the line" "Support the troops" "stand behind the president" - Like Bush was the only president we'd ever have.
The right never practices what it preaches. They are christians who spit on the poor.
Well I guess you told me Anhurset. Sad to lose a regular viewer but I am sure some other hillbilly in your bayou compound will pick up the link. I love the way goofballs hide behind the the first ammendment to justify their hate speech. Well have at it. Where were you when the last President sent your boys into a meaningless war for dubious reasons? Where was your outrage then? Where was your parental concern then? You save your outrage for a 'stay in school' message? Get a grip doughhead. Tell you what. Don't come back. And at your next meeting of Idiot Right Wingers of America tell the rest of your toothless buddies to stay away too.
You're beautiful when you're angry ;-)
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