If I didn't know what I know about the evil that is the Cephalopod Menace I could almost be impressed with the Octopus. They have that ability to trick you into loving them until the second before they strangle you and drag you to the icy depths of the ocean. Totally otherworldly in their behavior and biology they are just too unusually deadly for me to ever trust. I feel that since I know what they REALLY are all about (like if the 'visitors' from 'V' were tentacled) they are constantly planning to take my life. Do your best bulb head. This blog will survive and if its not me then the children will take up my fallen banner and boil the oceans till you float to the top. If only the Colonel had agreed with me that each breaded Octopus gives you eight wings instead of a chicken's two then we could have been done with them long ago. So keep planning and leaving opened jars all over the aquarium tanks squidface, I am watching you.
Just look at this sneaky bastard pretending to be sea weed just so he can approach without being seen. Then the next minute the hose to your air tank is cut and he is sticking you with his pen knife 22 times.

"This octopus has 88 extra tentacles. The rare specimen is on display at the Shima Marineland Squarium. The preserved octopus actually has the normal number of 8 appendages attached to its body, but each one branches out to form the multitude of extra tentacles. Apparently there is no theory that fully explains the surplus tentacles, but they are believed to be the result of abnormal regeneration that occurred after the octopus suffered some sort of injury."


The cephalopod will be in for a shock when kitty's claws come out!
I am hoping for the post shredded pictures.
adorable posting! they are SO cute AND graceful.
How can we be friend? LOL...your octopus love is nearly always a dealbreaker
how do you feel about the defenestration of prague?
About the same way I feel about the marblization of Munich
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