Since the last person I talked to online turned out to be a bit of a nutcase (LISA) I would love to find a visitor to this site that is on MSN or Yahoo and who often is up late (Alberta Time) to chat with. I have so many people that visit me but no one who comments. So if you want to chat with a lonely cave dwelling mutant with the power to time travel then please message me. (kheighton@hotmail.com or heightonc@yahoo.com) Help a poor lonely brother out? And if you have a sister that would be impressed by indoor lighting and modern toiletry then that is okay too. What they do with mail order brides these days is amazing. Love ya, call me. (p.s. if your name is Lisa or your fake name is Lisa please pass cause you are a damaged liar that no one wants to talk with)

Good luck Cal!
I would, but I too am a nutcase.
Dude, get on Facebook and I'll chat with you. I'm usually up late, like to two or three eastern time.
I'm under my real name on Facebook if you look for me. Email me if you get on there and I'll let you know my real name if you don't know it already.
I know his real name. And he IS up at all hours! ;)
You say that like you don't really mean it Wings..lol
But we are accepting all resume's regardless of previous 'nutcase' diagnosis. So don't let that stop you.
Thank You Dr. Monkey. I appreciate the invite and hope I can match your razor whit and insight with worthy conversation of my own.
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