There are times that I will come across a much hyped film and for some reason I just keep putting off seeing it. The greater the hype usually equates to the less likelihood that I will watch that movie. For that reason I got to get to them quick or I may never get to them. E.T. is a prime example. I was at the perfect age to enjoy that movie when it first came out but due to it's enormous popularity I have NEVER seen it. 'Titanic' was the same too until I came across it one night on a movie channel.
For this reason 'The Blind Side' has sat in my documents folder until last night. Shame on you Sandra Bullock. You punished my oversight by shamelessly playing my emotions until I had no choice but to weep openly.

Basically the story is this. Rich white lady takes in poor black teen, gives him a family for the first time in his life, gets him help with his education, boy become college football star, boy gets drafted by NFL. Damn your real-life motivation true stories. I thought I was immune.

I though I could mock you being all spunky and ballsy, Sandra Bullock. But no. You made me your bitch. Your emotional, manipulated bitch. For ninety whole minutes then at the end, when I thought you were done with me, you show me a series of photos of the actual people this story happened to. WEPT! I WEPT! I hate you Sandra Bullock but I love you too.

Watch this movie at your peril. If you think its unmanly to cry then don't watch it in front of those who will mock you. Watch it with your girl - she will cry, you will cry, love will bloom. The End.
This is on my movie list, but I may have to wait until it comes out on video and watch it by myself to avoid any embarrassing display of emotions. Thanks for the warning.
I am not kidding man. It's a great film. Rember how inspired and teary eyed you got when you first saw 'Hoosiers' or 'Rudy'? I don't want to oversell it but...same thing here.
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