I got two emails today. One was from 'hotmail' to thank me for ten years of using them for my email address. That's it? A stupid email? No gift certificate or cheap ass phone like they gave me when I used to subscribe to 'Sports Illustrated'? Why not let me choose from a cheap ass gift list. You got the money to afford it. I would drop hotmail right now in disgust but I am too lazy which is no doubt what you counted on. So fuck you hotmail. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Then I got this this message to join a blogger's club called 'sex n'fries'. As cults go you gotta admiring their marketing approach. I approve of both those things. I have no idea what to expect because their main page was chaotic and difficult to follow. No doubt that is because I am outside the age range of who these young hipsters are seeking out. But they did invite ME so they must know from COOL. So we will see what further invites and actions look like. I can be hip with the youngin' and their rock and their hip and the way they hop when they roll.
"We would love to invite you to a bloggers club where the best blogs gather for fun, learning and more fun. It is new and we are looking for great bloggers and thought of you. http://sexnfries.ning.com/"
Interesting. Be careful, my friend.
Sounds interesting, but I highly recommend the sex n McRibs club. You won't be disappointed.
Sex and Fries? Is that anything like Porn and Chicken?
Well Big Daddy gets invitations like this all the time and I agree with you both. Give me Colonel chiken and McRibs and I will be your bitch. Just fries seems to be giving you the 'sweet for cheep' if I can be honest with you.
I like mustard with my sex and fries.
remember... they both make you sleepy...
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