Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Award For The Cave Of Cool

I got another award. It seems that Joe, one of my bestest blog brothers out there, has once again been forced to recognize my genius. Since I can't send this back to him or his daughter Nicole let me say that Joe was one of those bloggers who first commented on my stuff and he did so everyday. When I was getting NO comments he was there to keep me going. His daughter Nicole always showed me the same kind of love so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

So in the spirit of the award I pass this on to the following bloggers who do work that always entertains me or makes me angry enough to comment. I limited myself only to five mainly to reward those who I feel a strong connection with.

Electronic Cerebrectomy and his tumblr - He writes the best commentaries on the issues of the day and was the only blogger I read that was brave enough to actually journey to the dark side for all of our benefits. He did this by reading 'Twilight' and then giving us a snarky but spot on review. To some, many of his post appear long when you look at them but looks are deceiving. He has such skill in justifying his opinions that you would feel cheated if he only gave you the bullet points. I like my posts this way (meaty and with sauce). I value effort and he never lets me down. Never do I see him just 'phone it in'.

Eclectic Banana and his tumnblr - Like Samurai Frog, Drake posts a large variety of pics that always appeal to me. He writes about topics that I have an interest in also. I appreciate the way he always validates my efforts and reminding me how lucky we geeks are. We love things that most people turn their nose up at. They are the ones who are missing out. Drake also was one of the first bloggers to add to the chorus reminding me to post what I love and everything will be a gem.

Geek Orthodox - Reis is a pure lover of action figures and doesn't discriminate between real or bootleg. He makes you love them all. In their imperfections he sees the beauty. I enjoy seeing toys that I never knew existed and my knowledge of toys is vast. We don't know what he looks like because he hides his identity with a luchador mask. I only hate that I didn't think of it first. Now that he is making video posts I see the value of such a 'gimmick' if you can even call it that. If you love action figures this is a must see site.

The Non-Review - TS's site is one of the newest blogs that I am following but I instantly found a kindred spirit who uses humor, irony, and snark, to comment on what ever passes his way. Like me he can post on totally random topics like angles, tunnels and bridges and then fly into a rant about inappropriate Christmas balloons followed by movies reviews by a nun and an earthworm giving relationship advice. See what I mean. We could have been born twins but then he got snatched away by the goblins. I suspect he has no unexpressed thoughts in his head and I like people like that.

Yaban - I like their stuff. Half tumblr, half blog, they post images that I find myself adding to my files at a regular basis. More often than not those pictures influence what I add, in the way of short posts, to my blog.

Time Surge - I wish this cute Canadian girl posted more often because I enjoy her writing and the way she comments about her life. She is training for a job in the field of education. She reminds me so much of myself when she talks about those experiences. It takes a certain type of person to be a teacher and she has the attitude and mind set to be a terrific influence on kids.

mother hides the pearls- Lana is a terrific person with some of the funniest posts out there. Her fear of the squirrels and birds that taunt her from the back yard reminds me that not just octopus can put dread into our lives. My favorite post of hers was the one about finding an spider's egg sack in her garage. The way she made me go from admiring the spider to being terrified says all you need to know about the talent for writing she has.

Enjoy you award people. It's is well deserved.


Wings1295 said...

Well deserved here, Cal. And I already follow a few of the blogs you highlighted, so bonus for me!


Nicole said...

Yayyy!! Thanks, Cal!! That's so very nice of you to be nice to me!! :D Hope you have a happy Tuesday!! Love, Nicole

P.S. Don't forget that the 22nd is the 2nd anniversary of Heath Ledger's death, and a week after that (the 29th) is Adam Lambert's 28th birthday. Some reasons to celebrate!! :D Have a great day!!

P.P.S. Sorry I haven't been commenting.

Drake said...

Thanks Cal! This is cool my first award!
I'm a happy camper. :)

Megan said...

I will check out the ones I don't know. Thanks Cal & congrats on the award!

SamuraiFrog said...

Wow, I'm flattered, both by the award and by the words about myself and my blogs. Thank you so much!

SamuraiFrog said...

By the way, my word verification was "ventriz," almost a Clone Wars villain. Nice.